This post is a call to end the terrible crimes being committed against TV audiences.
Up and down the country, people are being assaulted in their own homes - on their own sofas. It's time we asked those who carry the weapons of TV script cliches to hand them in - for their own safety as well as that of their viewers.
The list below is not exhaustive, and I ask you all to help us identify the most dangerous slogans being wielded on your television. However, this is a good starting point, and we call on TV researchers, writers, producers and executives to simply hand over material containing these weapons and walk away, no questions asked.
1) I'm giving it / he's giving it 110%.
because the universe is broken and 100% no longer represents the whole?
2) Strictly Come Ice Skating / Masterchef has changed my life.
Yes. Have you seen that film 'Sliding Doors'? No? Oh well ...
3) Winning this competition means everything to me.
Alright if I run off with your kids then, as you won't be needing them anymore?
4) Getting to the final would be like a dream come true.
Wow - you have cool dreams. Mine involve being at the wrong airport. Without my suitcase, and then I have to fly the plane. But I don't know how. And the controls are made out of vegetables ...
Your assistance in completing this list will help ensure the safety of future viewing generations - or, in the words of so many c-list celebrities: Words can't express how important this is to me.
Of course.